Georgina Halford-Hall

Founding Member of Whistleblowers UK

Georgina Halford-Hall

WhistleblowersUK are thought leaders in the development of ethical business practices and legislation to protect whistleblowers because we understand whistleblowing. We have listened to thousands of whistleblowers and provided help and support to successfully resolve conflict and address concerns. As secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Whistleblowing we provide expertise, support and research leading the development for 21stC legislation.

As CEO of WhistleblowersUK I understand the impact of the word 'Whistleblower'. I regularly speak at conferences and in the media about the opportunity that whistleblowing presents to organisations and society more widely. Whistleblowing is complex but the risks arising from ignoring whistleblowers can have a catastrophic effect as demonstrated by the global pandemic.

I provide expert, calm and pragmatic help to turn a concern into an opportunity.